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In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002 on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce of Espa'ay 97 of Law 3/2014, of 27 March, amending the recast text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, we inform you that this website is owned by Bitti Bebè S.L., henceforth bitti, with registered address in JOSEP TARRADELLAS 155 local 08029 BARCELONA, with C.I.F. No B63330278 and registered in the Barcelona Mercantile Register with the following data: Book 00003 Tom 35976, Fulla 0026 , Inscription No1.
For any query or proposal, contact us on e-mail in info@bitti.es, or on phone 93 419 73 19.
This website is governed by the rules exclusively applicable to Spain, subject to it, both national and foreign, who use this website.
The user's access to our website is free of charge and conditional upon prior reading and acceptance it integrates, expresses and unreservedly the current general terms of use applicable at the time of access, which we ask him to read carefully. The user, when using our portal, its contents or services, expressly accepts and submits to the general conditions of its use. If the user does not agree with the current terms of use, they should refrain from using this portal and operate through it.
At any time, we will be able to modify the presentation and configuration of our website, expand or reduce services, and even remove it from the Network, as well as the services and content provided, all unilaterally and without prior notice.
All content, texts, images, and source codes are owned by bitti or third parties to whom their operating rights have been acquired, and are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights.
The user has only the right to private, non-profit-making use of these, and needs express authorisation from bitti and/or the rightholder to modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute or any right belonging to the rightholder.
The establishment of links to our portal does not confer any rights over it, and it is only authorised to allow access to our website, with the total or partial reproduction of the images and contents of our portal being prohibited on other pages. Moreover, simply establishing a link to our website does not give you the right to be a bitti partner or partner.
The imitation of our portal, whether total or partial, is absolutely forbidden.
Access to our website is free and does not require subscription or registration. However, bitti reserves the right to provide services requiring the user's prior registration. In any case, these services will be duly identified on the web, with easy indications for registration.
The user must access our website in accordance with good faith, public order rules, the current General Terms of Use. Access to our website is carried out under the sole responsibility of the user, who will, in any case, be responsible for any damages that may be caused to third parties or to ourselves.
The user is expressly prohibited from using and obtaining the services and content offered on this website, by procedures other than those stipulated in the current conditions of use, and if necessary in the particular conditions governing the purchase of certain services.
Given the impossibility of monitoring information, content and services containing other websites that can be accessed through the links that our website makes available to you, we inform you that bitti is exempted from any liability for the damages of any kind that might result from the user's use of these websites outside our company.
Bitti reserves the right to carry out the appropriate legal actions against those users who violate the current general terms of use, accepting that the failure to initiate such actions does not constitute a formal renunciation of them, with the actions remaining in force until the time limits for the offences to be prescribed.
By making this website available to the user, we want to offer him a whole series of quality content and services, using the maximum diligence in the provision of these, as well as in the technological means used. However, we will not respond to the presence of viruses and other elements that might in some way damage the user's computer system.
The user is prohibited from any action on our portal that causes excessive overloading of operation on our computer systems, as well as the introduction of viruses, or installation of robots, or software that impairs the normal functioning of our website, or ultimately can cause damage to our computer systems. The user assumes full responsibility for the use of our website, being solely responsible for any direct or indirect effect on the website, including, in a enunciative and non-contradictive way, any adverse economic, technical and/or legal outcome, as well as the disappointment of the expectations generated by our portal, forcing the user to bitti-free on any claims arising, directly or indirectly from such facts.
Bitti is exempted from liability for any claim to intellectual property rights of articles and images published on its portal as bitti is distributor and uses images and products from other providers. Bitti is exempted from any liability arising from any claim, including the payment of fees to lawyers, for claims and claims originating from third parties due to the user's non-compliance with our terms of use, access and privacy policy, or any other claim due to the non-compliance with existing legislation.
The user acknowledges that he has understood all the information regarding the conditions of use on our portal, and recognises that they are sufficient for the exclusion of the error in them and therefore accepts them in full and expressly.
The user is fully aware that simply browsing this website, as well as using its services, means accepting the current terms of use.
These General Conditions are governed by Spanish law.
In addition, we would remind you that you can access the European Union online litigation platform following this link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/?event=main.home2.show.
For any question concerning the Legal Notice you can contact us in the above data, or with our BONET consultants: www.bonetconsulting.com/servicioslopd.html.
Bitti, as an EU-based trader who celebrates online shopping, offers customers to go to the online litigation platform (ORD) to make any claims if it has problems with products bought online.